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Create a VRGS Project

There are a few simple steps to create a VRGS project and check that everything is correctly set up. We'll go through them here.

  1. Select the VRGS File menu and choose "New" 📁.

    • Simply navigate to the directory/folder where you wish to save the model and give the project an appropriate file name.

    • A new VRGS project is created! After successfully creating your new project, a blank 3D model window will with no data loaded will appear in VRGS. We'll do that in the next step!

  2. But before that, let's check your project structure.

    • In your chosen directory you will see your VRGS project is saved with a .vgp extension. Additionally, you'll see an associated directory/folder with the same name as the .vgp file, but appended with Data.

    • For example, if you project is called MyNewProject, the following will appear in your chosen directory/folder:

      • Directory/folder
        • |-- MyNewProject.vgp
        • |--MyNewProject Data
    • The .vpg file contains the project setup detials and any interpretations.

    • The Data directory/folder stores large data items such as point clouds, meshes and images.

    • It's important to note and keep track of the project directory and its contents in order to backup or transfer your project.

Let's add some data to our new project!