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Display Options

The display options are accessed via the menu buttons at the top of the properties tab/panel. Display options is the third button from the right.

Show LightShow the position of the main light in the 3D view
Light AzimuthAzimuth from which the main light is shining
Light ElevationElevation from which the main light is shining
Use HeadlightEnable the headlight. The light source is fixed to the camera position
Headlight BrightnessThe birghtness of the headlight
Model Dissplay
Bounding BoxShow A Full Model Bounding Box
North Arrow StyleDisplay style for North Arrow
Tile InterpretInterpret on highest LOD for tiled models
Geobody and Zone fillShow Geobody and Zone Infill
Interpretation Line
Auto ScaleAutomatically scale the width of the interpretation line ot the spacing of the points in the line
Line WidthWidth of the line drawn while in interpretation mode
3D View
Background ColourSpecifies the background color of the 3D window
Point AntialiasEnable point antialiasing
Line AntialiasEnable line antialiasing
Mirror VR To ScreenMirror the VR display to the 3D view
Fixed SizeKeep fixed side (pixels) regardless of zoom
Text SizeSize of the bilboard text (Metres of not fixed size/ Pixels if fixed)
SolidShow the billboards as solid
Text ColourSpecifies the color of the billboard background
Show ViewpointsShow the cameras/viewpoints in multiview/split mode
UAV SizeSize of the cameras/viewpoints in multiview/split mode
UAV SensitivitySensitivity of the drone simulation
Data Limits
X MinimumMinimum X coordinate
Y MinimumMinimum Y coordinate
Z MinimumMinimum Z coordinate
X MaximumMaximum X coordinate
Y MaximumMaximum Y coordinate
Z MaximumMaximum Z coordinate