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Data Tree

The Data Tree contains all data imported or created in a VRGS project. The data types and categories are described below.

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Point Cloudpoint cloudData category for all point cloud data imported or created in the VRGS project.
PhotographsphotographData category for all imported photographs.
Satellite Imagerysatellite imageData category for all imported satellite imagery in the VRGS project.
Triangulated MeshtrimeshData category for all triangulated surface mesh data imported or created in the VRGS project.
Tiled Modelstiled modelsData category for tiled models imported into VRGS. Supports SLPK and GeoTiff.
Logssed logData category for all logs (e.g., sedimentary log, geophysical logs) imported created in the VRGS project.
WaypointswaypointData category for all waypoints imported or created in the VRGS project.
SamplessamplesData category for sample information added to the VRGS project.
LabelslabelsData category for all labels attributed to the outcrop data in the VRGS project.
Scale Barscale barData category for all scale bars added to the VRGS project.
Ortho Panelortho panelData category for all orthopanels created in the VRGS project.
VRGS Earthvrgs_earthData category for all imported global elevation datasets.